You must watch The Secret Path. Directed by Gord Downie of The Tragically Hip, this animated feature recently broadcast on CBC tells the story of Chanie Wenjack who escaped from a residential school in 1966 in a way that no other medium could. Ian Whitcombe joins me to explain why.
The Secret Path can be viewed here:
We also take a little time to discuss different subjects, including the end of shomi and the new Escaflowne release from FUNimation.
Episode Breakdown:
0:00 - Quick update on the show
2:35 - The Secret Path
25:45 - The death of Shomi
34:50 - New Escaflowne release
Twitter: @zannencanada
Theme song by Karl Olson. Check out Packet Flood, the album all of this show's music is taken from, on his Bandcamp.
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