Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Episode 98 - Hervé Bédard, the Architect Behind Cybersix

After the last episode exploring Cybersix, I felt that we still needed to dig deeper into the story behind the incredible Japanese-Canadian co-production. There was one major perspective missing, and I was very fortunate to not only get in contact with him, but have him agree to come on the podcast: Hervé Bédard, executive producer of Cybersix and founder of Network of Animation! Zee the Raccoon and Brady Hartel once again join me, although we spend most of this interview completely spellbound at the perspective Bédard had to offer, not only on the production of Cybersix, but on his incredible personal history in the animation industry, as well as the relationship between art and society.

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Brady's Bluesky:
Brady's Twitter: @bradyhartel
Zee's Bluesky:
Zee's Twitter: @zeekayart


Theme song by Karl Olson. Check out Packet Flood, the album all of this show's music is taken from, on his Bandcamp.

Monday, 30 September 2024

Episode 97 - Bionix Omega: Death Note

We're not done celebration the 20th anniversary of Bionix yet! This time we're looking at the show that effectively marked the end of the block that we loved: Death Note! And we're not only looking at Death Note in the context of YTV, but also for the franchise's many connections to the city of Vancouver largely due to the amazing English dubbing work by Ocean Studios. And yes, we do talk about that other connection it has to Vancouver.

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Sammy's Bluesky:
Sammy's Twitter: @zeekayart

Twitter: @jbetteridge
Podcast Twitter: @zannencanada

Theme song by Karl Olson. Check out Packet Flood, the album all of this show's music is taken from, on his Bandcamp.

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

Episode 96 - Bionix Alpha: Witch Hunter Robin

Since I'm pretty much obligated to do something in observance of the 20th anniversary of YTV's Bionix block, Sammy and I are talking about its one debut anime we haven't touched on: Witch Hunter Robin! While it's not a super interesting show on its own, it did offer a lot to chew on as part of a well-curated programming block. We also have what I believe to be an exclusive look at the canceled live action Witch Hunter Robin series, courtesy of showrunner Joe Menosky. (Seriously, he just emailed it to me out of the blue!)

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Witch Hunter Robin Opening and Madonna's "Take a Bow" MV Comparison:

Sammy's Bluesky:
Sammy's Twitter: @zeekayart

Twitter: @jbetteridge
Podcast Twitter: @zannencanada

Theme song by Karl Olson. Check out Packet Flood, the album all of this show's music is taken from, on his Bandcamp.

Friday, 23 August 2024

Episode 95 - Gushing Over Otakuthon

I finally made it to Otakuthon and I already want to go back. My generous Montreal host Chris aka Kurotsuki joins me to talk about pros and cons (mostly pros) of Canada's biggest and best anime convention. We also chat a little about this year's Anime Revolution in Vancouver, and I certainly had some things to say on that.

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Chris's Bluesky:
Chris's Twitter: @kurotsuki
Chris's Podcast: Super Anisong Taisen

Twitter: @jbetteridge
Podcast Twitter: @zannencanada

Theme song by Karl Olson. Check out Packet Flood, the album all of this show's music is taken from, on his Bandcamp.

Thursday, 30 May 2024

Episode 94 - There Is No Acronym That Can Describe Gundam SEED FREEDOM


In a move that is not at all surprising for Bandai, the demand for the long-delayed Gundam SEED FREEDOM film was drastically underestimated in Canada. Originally planned for a one night screening, the film's exhibition was expanded to a 17 day run, as screenings in most major cities frantically sold out. Could this film possibly live up to this level of hype over 15 years after Destiny burned us so badly? And... hey is that Trevor Devall back as Mu La Flaga?!

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Randy's Bluesky:
Randy's Twitter: @chandyran

Twitter: @jbetteridge
Podcast Twitter: @zannencanada

Theme song by Karl Olson. Check out Packet Flood, the album all of this show's music is taken from, on his Bandcamp.

Sunday, 28 April 2024

Episode 93 - Charlotte Watch Out, Oh God What Are You Doing Bonhomme's Coming For You


It's time to look at the first anime series ever set in Canada: the pastoral Quebec tale of Wakakusa No Charlotte (Charlotte of the Young Grass). It's not a World Masterpiece Theatre title, but it's got a little of that flavour, not to mention heaps of retro shoujo melodrama, so I knew that it was time to bring Dawn from the Anime Nostalgia podcast back on the show to take a look at this somewhat obscure series. I gotta tell you... we weren't ready for this at all. You may not believe the things that happen in this show, no matter how hard we scream at you about them for an hour.

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Dawn's Twitter: @bunnycartoon

Twitter: @jbetteridge
Podcast Twitter: @zannencanada

Theme song by Karl Olson. Check out Packet Flood, the album all of this show's music is taken from, on his Bandcamp.

Sunday, 28 January 2024

Episode 92 - Scott Pilgrim Did Not, Evidently, Get It Together

Scott Pilgrim means a lot of things to a lot of people. He especially means a lot of things to his creator, Bryan Lee O'Malley, which led to a few surprises in the recent anime series Scott Pilgrim Takes Off. And now that Scott Pilgrim is officially anime... well we've gotta talk about him! Hazel and Bell return to chat about the impact Scott Pilgrim had on their lives, the new show and the possibility that this Canadian folk hero has perhaps lost a bit of his Canadian-ness.

Stream directly by clicking the "play" icon above or:
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Hazel: TwitterBluesky
Bell: TwitterBluesky
Hazel+Bell Store:

Twitter: @jbetteridge
Podcast Twitter: @zannencanada

Theme song by Karl Olson. Check out Packet Flood, the album all of this show's music is taken from, on his Bandcamp.